Magetique - AMP-Ready Multipurpose Magento Theme by RockThemes

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BigHunt - Hunting Gear Store Template Magento Theme by RockThemes

Healthy Life Supplements Magento Theme by RockThemes

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Art Store Responsive Magento Theme by RockThemes

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5 Best White Magento Themes 2025
Template Name | Downloads | Price |
Shopee - Premium Marketplace Responsive | 67 | $190 |
Volta - Electric Vehicles Parts and Components Minimal Magento Theme | 22 | $108 |
Magetique - Furniture Magento Theme | 280 | $188 |
SM Smartech Magento Theme | 63 | $127 |
Tiles Multi-Purpose Theme For Magento 2 | 1 | $158 |
Create a Minimalistic Store Using White Magento Themes
What role does color play in our lives? Approve it is significant. With the help of shades, we perceive this world and give associations to elements. Green is nature, ecology, freshness, and peace. Chewing is the sun, rest, or betrayal. Black is style, seriousness, night, and darkness. And what is the color white? What role does it play in website design? You have noticed that the background of the web resource is white. In this article, we brief you about colors and their impact on online stores with white magento themes. Stay tuned and learn more!
White Magento Theme Meaning
Magento is an e-commerce CMS that holds a leading position in terms of functionality currently. To better understand the content management system, we will talk about the history of web development. When the sites appeared, the startup had to hire two specialists. The first was responsible for the front end. He created designs and beautiful pictures using HTML/CSS/JS, etc. You needed it for the page to become functional, the buttons to work, and for the client to make a payment or add to the cart. He used specific languages PHP, .NET, etc. Separately, he configured databases and made various configurations of project parts. It took a lot of time and cost a lot of money. Clients did not need skills to program. They had to go to a specialist every time and pay for it. At first, masters invented specific administrative panels that made it easier to edit sites. The web manager could easily add and change images, texts, and other content. They also noticed that web resources have many common elements. So, they decided to create blanks that they could use for multiple customers. It saved development time. It is how the concept of a content management system and templates appeared.
There are many CMSs on the network. Anyone with knowledge in web development can create their program. Magento is the most powerful today. It means that it has a powerful and functional construction. In contrast to other software, specialists created the white The template qualitatively in such a way as to ensure safety and functionality.
White Colour for Website Design
With the help of color, you understand your mood and character, improve your psychological state, affect your work capacity, and convince yourself to make a decision. Warm shades are associated with hot and warm things: sun, autumn, fire, sunrise, rest, etc. Cold ones are green, blue, or purple. You mention water, night, or nature. It has a relaxing effect. Neutral and monochromes serve as a background in the design because the brain does not remember and does not react to them. It is white, black and gray. We will consider some methods of using such shades in white Magento themes. Very often, novice designers make mistakes and use solid colors, which degrades the readability function.
- Use tones of the same color. For example, the background on your page is white, the borders are black, and the letters are dark gray.
- Play on contrasts. Make more critical text brighter.
- Black letters are perceived better than white on any background. Black is a pleasant shade. Use it to balance bright components that can become overwhelming.
White is an ideal background with which you can emphasize the content. Complementary colors will create high contrast for a call to action.
You operate with white color to create volumetric space and air on the site. A person perceives bright objects as larger than they are.
White color harmonizes with black and any other tone. It is associated with innocence, purity, and goodness. For example, angels are dressed in this tone because they have such qualities. Designers operate it for websites. It allows the eye to rest. At the same time, it allows you to focus on important information.
It is popular among niches:
- Healthcare;
- Clothes;
- Polygraphs;
- Charities;
- Techniques.
In some cases, the tone evokes indifference and laziness. We do not recommend it for banking and health.
Features of White Magento Themes
Templateog体育首页 provides hundreds of eCommerce CMS templates with matching tones. Use the filter on the left to find the one you need for your niche. Choose the desired subject. For example, you can choose Art & Culture, Medical Templates, Electronics, Design & Photography, Education & Books, etc. If you are interested in specific elements in the skin, select the appropriate tags: accessories, clothes, shoes, wear, cart, delivery, home, prices, etc. You also choose layouts by functionality. If you need mobile adaptive layouts, try Responsive Skins. Also, you get a fully-featured admin panel, dropdown menu, search engine-friendly features, etc. The LazyLoad effect will help you with content presentation. You provide the images part by part. In such cases, you save the speed of the website and provide high-quality images.
White Magento Themes Video
White Magento Themes FAQ
What Server Requirements for White Magento Themes?
You need to take at least a VPS or a cloud server and configure the environment. The current version of the Magento 2 mobile theme requires the following hosting configuration: Composer 2.1, Elasticsearch 7.16 or OpenSearch 1.2, Database server MariaDB version 10.4 or MySQL version 8.0, PHP - not lower than version 8.1, Apache 2.4 or Nginx 1.18 web server, Redis 6.2 and Varnish 7.0.
We recommend working with the OPcache caching system and at least 2 GB of RAM. The system does not support self-signed SSL certificates, so you get them through an official provider.
Who Needs to Use White Magento Themes?
It is an ideal solution for a large business with thousands of items. It is your option if you have a marketplace, wholesale, or sell around the world. You should hire a professional to design a website that meets all your requirements.
How to Install White Magento Themes?
Select the version of the platform you need to install. We recommend Magento 2 lazy load themes. Make sure you have the correct PHP, MySQL, and Apache versions. Download the system files to the server and run the installation wizard. Check the administrative and user parts.
How to Get White Magento Themes from Templateog体育首页?
First, you should register on the Templateog体育首页 website. You now have your account. Choose the necessary item and add it to the shopping cart. You contact our chat if you have any questions about the layout functionality. Our specialist sends a direct link to purchase the template. After that, you fill out the billing form with payment data. Choose a convenient payment gateway and transfer money. You will then receive an email or call to verify the process. It may take a few minutes. You get a link to the skin in your account. Download and enjoy!